Thursday, July 2, 2009

KEVIN GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o(

Oh My Jonas. So Kevin Jonas is getting MARRIED! I'm happy for him, but also sad! I mean, I love all of them...but I didn't think I'd be so sad! He proposed to his longtime gf Danielle lastnight and she said yes like 500 times really fast. According to PEOPLE magazine! Ugh! I go on, and boom right there "Oldest Jonas Proposes To Long Time Girlfriend" BLEAH! Well, for like 3 hours I've listening to all of their music. I wonder what I'll do when Nick gets married.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lines, Vines, and Trying Time

Well a lot has happened...but it's summer! So I'm not gonna be on here. But...I bought the new Jonas cd! Lines, Vines, and Trying Times. It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. And Nick is singing high in a lot of the songs....ahhhhh I LOVE THAT! The only horrible song is The Storm with miley cyrus. Don't like her, I mean I really don't like her! and the song is bad itself. But all the others are on my iPod. They are:

World War 3

Paranoid (I memorized it already)

Fly With Me (memorized!)

Poision Ivy

Hey Baby

What Did I Do To Your Heart

Much Better

Black Keys

Don't Charge Me For The Crime

Turn Right

Don't Speak

and the bonus track from their tv show Keep it Real

I love it. I'll post the concert stuff 2

Friday, May 22, 2009

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOOO today was the last day of school! It was sooo awesome! We did yearbook signing, and, surprise surprise I took a million pictures. Tonight me and Roshonda are going to Worlds of Fun, yay! That will be fun! Ahhhh so excited! School's out!!!!!! I'm gonna play Guitar Hero. OOOH! I got a Scrabble game! The teacher drew names, and yay me I won! I'm gonna play that first! It's Diamond Edition! I'll take a picture soon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Well I finished Breaking Dawn on Friday, I'm so sad that it's over! But whatever. It was realllllllllllllly good. Ok so Sunday we went to a Royals game! I took 301 pictures....hahaha I love my camera! This is Billy Butler, Sierra's favorite player. I don't know why she likes him, she just does. It was cool. My camera zooms up really far, so I got good shots of the balls and batters and pitchers and stuff. I don't know why, but for some reason, the Jonas Brothers concert just seems like it's going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than it would've been when we got the tickets! Ahhhh I'm excited. Me dad and Sierra are gonna have lots of fun!!!! Well...we got Smoky this bar jump thing! It's official. We're gonna train him to jump. woo!

Friday, May 15, 2009

OK well, first things first! Thursday we went to Worlds of Fun with school! It was AWESOME!!! We rode pretty much everything. The bad thing was, my camera broke!! Ahhhhh! Then I lost my retainers! I found them at Mcdonalds later. lol. Well, the camera broke completely! The lense was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far in. Urg. But tonight my dad got the money back from Target, and bought me a new one! Ahhhhh that's lucky.
Today, it's rainy! It was really dark at like 2:00, then it started pouring. My poor dogs. I was going to give them a long walk! Well I hate rain. The power keeps going out! Also, I love the song Poker Face...hahahaha I'm listening to it now. Next week is the last week of school! AHHHH that's exciting! Ohhhh oh oh oh!!!!!!! For Demi Lovato we got the 28th row!!!!!!! For only $40. YAY! Ok. Now the sad part. I finished......Breaking Dawn. :o( I'm super duper sad to see it end! Of course, it was a good ending though. Duh. Well it was really good. There's Midnight Sun, which is Twilight from Edward's perspective, but there's a chance it won't get published because someone put it on the internet without Stephenie Meyer's permission so she's upset. :o( boo! In St. Louis, some lady found the script to New Moon in the trash can! But she gave it back and as a reward, GETS TO GO TO THE RED CARPET PREMIERE! She is lucky. Ok tonight my aunt and uncle are coming over...dangit the song is over. Ok bye!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stray dog :o(

Oh my gosh I feel soooo bad! I was going to walk Smoky, but then my mom told me there was a mean looking dog! It was eating road kill, I'm pretty sure that means its desperate for food and stray. I carried dog treats, and tried to call it, but it seemed very unwilling. So me and Sierra followed it with food, but lost it! :o( I'm not sure what to do when I get close to a stray dog, so I'm gonna look it up on Google and be ready for next time. I'm just not going to walk my dogs, incase it's mean to other dogs. It looked cute and sweet and innocent, just don't wanna take any chances. UGH! Poor dog. It even had a collar. I am sad. If I see it again, I'll let you know, and try to get it this time. Omg.

Well all of that made me think.....stop puppymills!

Monday, May 11, 2009


On my birthday, we went to Worlds of Fun! It was fun. In Breaking Dawn, I'm on chapter like 30 or something... I realllllllllllllllllllllly don't want it to be over! I can't wait to read Midnight Sun though. Robert Pattison was in Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire! And his birthday is May 13, WEDNESDAY! Happy bday Rob!!!! Ok so on Thursday I'm missing dance. I know I know...sorta sad.'s because school is going on a field trip to WOF! AHHHHH now that's exciting! We are all really hyped up about it. I'll hang out with Rawshanda and Daeshanda the whole time. I have new pictures, and I'm hoping to upload them soon...when it works. That's it for now. I'm a Twilight loverr. Bye

Monday, May 4, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Soo I started Breaking Dawn lastnight, and I'm on chapter 4! It's sooooo good even just the beginning. I think I'll be really disapointed when I'm done though! I love Edward and Bella! Ok, so this is a picture of our Lilac bush that's in our yard. It started blooming like last week, and it looks really cool! Well tonight I have dance. Solo and pom. Nothing too exciting. Byeeeee:o)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Ok my party was awesome! We made little tote bags, played with the neighborhood dogs, had silly string fights, and slept in my walk-in closet! I got a $15 iTunes giftcard, $43, a dress from Aeropostal and a scrapbook! The black dog is Avery, and the other is a Basset Hound named Hank. Click on the pictures for a larger image.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I got my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night was Sierra's birthday, so they gave her the Oval iPod, and I got my camera! The iPod is soooooo cool! Way too much to explain...I'll do that later! The party is today, in like 10 minutes! Ahhhh gotta type fast! Well the camera is a purple Nikon, and I bought an SD card that holds like 3,000 pictures! Yay! And I've taken pictures of the dogs and put them on here already! Sooo here's pics! Ahhhh I'll post the party tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This dog is a Kuvasz. I think I forgot to tell you, but I finished Eclipse in three days!!! It was good. This was like, a week ago though! I'll get Breaking Dawn soon....soon I tell you! For my party we are making bags. I'll take a picture of mine and post it on Saturday. Well, we ordered the cake, all but two people are coming, bought the craft, and bought silly string! I'll try to post on Saturday...not before (again) and not after! Well, I have volleyball tonight. Tomorrow is Sierra's birthday. Woo.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

47 posts!!!! (Well...48 now.)

OK! This dog is a Japenese Chin. My dad had one when he was in Japan when he was a kid...anyway! I've posted 47 posts, and 48 including this one. HMMMM...I wonder if that's weird to always be posting....or if its ok. I don't really know! Well today in advisory we played outside. woohoo. And I walked the dogs. They have nasty flies on them in the summer though! Like, the flies are all on their ears and then their ears get all bloody and nasty. So today I gave them meds. Just to let you know! I also picked out the picture to put on my birthday cake!!!! It's hottttt. I'll post a picture of the cake on Saturday. Well, we bought everything. Only 2 people can't come...that's a record! WAHOO! Ok. That's all. Gotta dance.

Monday, April 27, 2009

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I got a gold on my solo, (obviously) high gold in pom, Mama Mia, and tap, and gold in modern!!! Tonight I have solo and pom, soooooooo I get to watch the videos and stuff. AHHHHHHHHHH! We also bought pictures of my solo...they rock! Well Daeshanda got an iPod, which is a lifelong dream of hers! Her dad didn't want her to get one, but she finally did! Soooo that's good. It's too rainy and poopy to walk my dogs today. This is a picture of a Doberman. Gotta go charge iPod and phone and................DANCE!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Ok so I loveeeee Demi Lovato, and she's coming here too! On July 22, which is LITERALLY 1 week before the Jonas Brothers show up! Tickets go on sale tomorrow, and though I'll be dancing, I think we'll try to buy some. I won't get like great seats, but the best I can...and the cheapest! I just got done mowing the lawn, which makes me five dollars richer. So I'm saving to buy shirts at the JB concert, and hers too. I'll let you know how dance goes, and if I get tickets! Bye!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!! I got a gold! OMG I'm soooo excited!!!!!! I did GREEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT! I didn't mess up ONCE!!!!!! And they took pictures and video so we're gonna buy all that! AHHHHHHHHHHH! GOOOLD! And my friend got HIGH PLATINUM! And then she got first over everyone! AHHHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY! Here's the trophy!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NEW ALBUM:JUNE 15!!!!!!!!!

WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO! The Jonas Brothers new album cover! It comes out June 15, 2009. And is apperently called, Lines, Vines, and Trying Times. AHHHHH! I am thinking though, that this may, sadly, be their last album. I hope not, but I think so! Also, they are hosting the Teen Choice Awards, on August 10!!!!!! THIS CD IS GONNA ROOOOOOOOCK! Okay dokay that's it! Besides that tomorrow is my solo....ahhh new cd!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Tonight is my last solo practice at the studio with my teacher! OMG three more days! The pressure is apperently on....AND! I am almost done with Eclipse! I got it Saturday. There are like 620 pages, and I'm already on 545! I read all day yesterday because I was sick. And I still am! I have been trying to talk as little as possible...on account of my throat. It's fine, but when I talk it hurts until I take medicine again. Ugh...just my luck to get sick before comp. I'll let you know if I get better....

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today we went shopping! I got 1 Jonas poster and one doggie poster. I also took pictures of my Twilight series, and how odd it looks. And here's some pictures from Easter, too!


ARGH! We lost our volleyball game! Apperently in play a lot of tournaments. Sooooooo we had our first tournament, in the small gym! It was super bad. Argh....we did good though. I finished New Moon lastnight!!!!! I'm buying Eclipse today. :o) I'm listening to "You Just Don't Know It" by Jonas Brothers. That's all! The dog picture, is a Sharpei. awwww.

Friday, April 17, 2009

OMG DANCE SOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I GOT MY COMPETITION SCHEDULE!!!!!! Ok now this is CRAZY!!!!!!! It's a HA-UUUUUGE place, so it's on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY!!!!!! MY SOLO IS ON THURSDAY!!!!!! AHHHHH! That means less time, and I have school the next day! Well it's at 5:30 on Thursday. OMG I'm excited, and sad that it's gonna end so fast. :o( I really like this solo! Well it's unfourtunately on take your child to work day, so I'll have to leave that early. But I guess on Wednesday I'll have to skip volleyball and prepare! I'll out all the stuff I need so my mom can bring it to Dad's work, and I'll take a LOOOOOOOONG jacuzzi, to prepare! And yeah all of that stuff. I'm SOOOOOOO NERVOUS! Ok I'll tell you how it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Read to find out..........

Well as you know, I love doggies! So I searched up 'dog breeds from A-Z' and I have every single dog breed! (This picture is a Bichon Frise) I'm now typing their names, and getting a picture. So far I'm in the letter H with 124 breeds. I love it! Also, my stupid cpu is screwed up no cd. :o( I can listen to JoBros on Rhapsody though! I've tried, but the cpu is just soooooooo old! ARGH! I found that even though Nick sounds higher pitched, the songs are just as good! GOSH I wished they sold it in regular stores! That's not all! We finished my dance solo last week, yay! I'm gonna practice EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS!!!!! We have competition on April 24, 25, and the 26th. It's exciting! I can't talk in front of large crowds, or small crowds really, but I can dance fine! I'll let everyone know how I did! It's really awesome. Well, it's muddy and rainy. Ugh its APRIL! And my partay is gonna be fun! We're buying silly string. OOOOOOOH YEAH! Silly string fights! Ok I'm off to read New Moon now!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


As you all know, I liked Twilight. I read it in four days. Then we went to Borders, (WHEN WE FOUND OUT WE COULD HAVE JUST GONE TO WALMART) and bought New Moon. It's good! Sort of depressing though, since chapter two. I won't spoil for those who haven't gotten there yet though. I just read it for seventy-five minutes, and it is amazing. Bella is driving me nuts! How she doesn't think she's pretty, or fun to be with, and thinks that Edward is too good for her. Ugh...people get annoying. That's about it...OH YEAH! HAPPY EASTER! I took many many many many many! Pictures of what I got in my easter basket this morning. It's all so cool.
Also, Dijonay spent the night Friday. It was fun. We made HILARIOUS videos to S.O.S and Pushing Me Away by the Jonas Brothers. Sadly, the hard disk is full. I'll get my dad to clear it off soon. Hopefully Sierra and I can make more too. Ahhh I love cameras! Which is why, for my birthday, I am having a sleepover partay thing, and getting only a digital camera. The tickets were most of the present. OK! I'll post when I have exciting news. I FORGOT AGAIN! WE FINISHED MY SOLO DANCE! And me and one of my dance friends have decided on doing a duet next year. A HIP-HOP DUET! ahh that will be fun too. PEACE:o)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


K soooooo...I can't buy the Jonas Brothers VERY FIRST ALBUM anywhere! Not iTunes, or in stores, and on ebay and it's $200! How stupid! But I went on Rhapsody and got it! YAY! FINALLY! But I can't get it on my phone, iPod, or burn a cd! My cpu is messed up...grr. Well I love it! Except Nick sounds like a itty bitty kid in some. I love Mandy, 6 Minutes, and What I Go To School For. I LOVE THEM!
And I finished Twilight! In four days! I'm getting New Moon tomorrow!

Monday, April 6, 2009



Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well at school I stayed after one day to watch Twilight with Dijonay. I honestly, thought that the whole vampire love story thing looked really dumb. I knew though, that since it was such a phenomon (which is the name of chapter 3 in the book!!!!!!!!!!) that I had a good chance of loving it. I was right! I do! The movie was good, and lastnight we went to Target and bought the book. I didn't get the cover with the apple, so I guess it's not like the "real" cover, I got this one. But who cares! I'm on chapter three, and it's good. OOOOOOH! Also, I read in a magazing that the Jonas Brothers want to record a song with Robert Pattison! AH! And they said they would "love to be in New Moon," how cool is that?!?!?! I hope the movie director read that. Well, I'm a Twilight fan now. Not as obsessed with Robert as the Jonas Brothers though.....doubt that's even a possibility!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Music! From the Refrigerator..."

When I get home from school, I'm always hungry. So, I obviously look in the refrigerator for food. Well, one day I walk over to the refrigerator, that's normal. When I opened it to get my pudding cup, I heard music. What music, you ask? My music. The music I have on my iPod. Well I opened the refrigerator door, and...BAM! Jonas Brothers blasted through the house! Not that I didn't love it, I just wasn't expecting it. Ok! So I close the refrigerator really fast, and screamed! It happened everytime I opened the door! Nobody was home, so it couldn't be a joke...right? No, no way! It still worked like a regular fridge, it just played music. Good music too! First it was "Take a Breath." Then when I wanted water it was "Burning Up." Now that's weird! Ironic isn't it??? The refrigerator practiaclly told me to take a breath when I freaked out! And it could tell when I got hot! That's when it got really weird. It started to play, "Got Me Going Crazy!" But the twist on that one was... that it wouldn't turn off! Suddenly, I heard the garage door open. "Good!" I said outloud, to myself. I would tell mom about the freak fridge, and we would call the repair guys. But no. Well, to get her attention, I yelled, "MOM! MOM! COME HERE! THE FRIDGE IS MESSED UP!" That got her attention! She came running and said, "What? How does a new refrigerator break???" I showed her the fridge. But when I opened it, nothing happened! She said, "Honey, the light is supposed to turn on when you open it." Steaming mad I said, "No! It was playing JoBros! I swear!" Suddenly, I heard the pitter-patter of footsteps run upstairs and a giggle. "When did Sierra get home?" Sierra is my sister...just to let you know! "She's has been home....." replied mom. "WHAT!" I instantly ran upstairs and practically broke down Sierra's door. The radio was unplugged. My CDs were gone. It was her! That brat!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Dance outfits

For those of you who don't know, the awards go: bronze-silver-gold-platinum.
The first one is pom, which we got silver for.
The second one is tap, which we got silver!
The third one is modern, which we got gold for.
The last one is Mama Mia production, which we got gold for.

Spring, and competition.

Ok, so you're probably wondering who the old guy is....incase you didn't's Regis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the show Regis and Kelly! This is NOT from the internet. My parents met him when they went to New York! So this is one picture they took of him. Well it's offically spring...finally! Yesterday was dance competition! I will soon be posting pictures of my cute outfits. (One is not so forget that one.) We got silver for pom! And yesterday we had modern, Mama Mia, and tap. I'll find out by Friday what awards we got for all of those. I'll let you know! Tonight I have my solo and pom practice. WOOOOOOOOO I LOVE TO DANCE! I'm off to go walk the doggies. This is their first walk in about a week. Poor boys! Laterrrr

Saturday, March 28, 2009

KCAs TONIGHT! (and more!)

Hey people! Well first of all, this is the picture of Nick Jonas my parents bought for me in NY. It's big. SECOND OF ALL....(drum roll please) WE GOT JONAS TICKETS!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well they were supposed to go on sale today, Saturday March 28. But on Friday Dijonay's mom and the nice teachers at school listened to 98.1 KUDL and tried to win us tickets. We didn't win any, but there was a presale yesterday! We got 12th row! 12 rows away from the Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For only $102! 102! Well actually $89...but ya know. Tax. so $102. We could've gotten 9th row, but my dad wanted to 'make sure' the floor wasn't available. It wasn't. But whatever I'm happy with 12th row! So on July 29, 2009 Dijonay and I will leave like 4 hours early and stuff. Can't wait. And since we have their phone number, they leave me messages saying stuff about what they're doing.....and I just got 1. YAY! Well tonight is the Kid's Choice Awards, and they're performing.