Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stray dog :o(

Oh my gosh I feel soooo bad! I was going to walk Smoky, but then my mom told me there was a mean looking dog! It was eating road kill, I'm pretty sure that means its desperate for food and stray. I carried dog treats, and tried to call it, but it seemed very unwilling. So me and Sierra followed it with food, but lost it! :o( I'm not sure what to do when I get close to a stray dog, so I'm gonna look it up on Google and be ready for next time. I'm just not going to walk my dogs, incase it's mean to other dogs. It looked cute and sweet and innocent, just don't wanna take any chances. UGH! Poor dog. It even had a collar. I am sad. If I see it again, I'll let you know, and try to get it this time. Omg.

Well all of that made me think.....stop puppymills!

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