Friday, May 15, 2009

OK well, first things first! Thursday we went to Worlds of Fun with school! It was AWESOME!!! We rode pretty much everything. The bad thing was, my camera broke!! Ahhhhh! Then I lost my retainers! I found them at Mcdonalds later. lol. Well, the camera broke completely! The lense was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far in. Urg. But tonight my dad got the money back from Target, and bought me a new one! Ahhhhh that's lucky.
Today, it's rainy! It was really dark at like 2:00, then it started pouring. My poor dogs. I was going to give them a long walk! Well I hate rain. The power keeps going out! Also, I love the song Poker Face...hahahaha I'm listening to it now. Next week is the last week of school! AHHHH that's exciting! Ohhhh oh oh oh!!!!!!! For Demi Lovato we got the 28th row!!!!!!! For only $40. YAY! Ok. Now the sad part. I finished......Breaking Dawn. :o( I'm super duper sad to see it end! Of course, it was a good ending though. Duh. Well it was really good. There's Midnight Sun, which is Twilight from Edward's perspective, but there's a chance it won't get published because someone put it on the internet without Stephenie Meyer's permission so she's upset. :o( boo! In St. Louis, some lady found the script to New Moon in the trash can! But she gave it back and as a reward, GETS TO GO TO THE RED CARPET PREMIERE! She is lucky. Ok tonight my aunt and uncle are coming over...dangit the song is over. Ok bye!

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