Sunday, April 12, 2009


As you all know, I liked Twilight. I read it in four days. Then we went to Borders, (WHEN WE FOUND OUT WE COULD HAVE JUST GONE TO WALMART) and bought New Moon. It's good! Sort of depressing though, since chapter two. I won't spoil for those who haven't gotten there yet though. I just read it for seventy-five minutes, and it is amazing. Bella is driving me nuts! How she doesn't think she's pretty, or fun to be with, and thinks that Edward is too good for her. Ugh...people get annoying. That's about it...OH YEAH! HAPPY EASTER! I took many many many many many! Pictures of what I got in my easter basket this morning. It's all so cool.
Also, Dijonay spent the night Friday. It was fun. We made HILARIOUS videos to S.O.S and Pushing Me Away by the Jonas Brothers. Sadly, the hard disk is full. I'll get my dad to clear it off soon. Hopefully Sierra and I can make more too. Ahhh I love cameras! Which is why, for my birthday, I am having a sleepover partay thing, and getting only a digital camera. The tickets were most of the present. OK! I'll post when I have exciting news. I FORGOT AGAIN! WE FINISHED MY SOLO DANCE! And me and one of my dance friends have decided on doing a duet next year. A HIP-HOP DUET! ahh that will be fun too. PEACE:o)

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