Friday, April 17, 2009

OMG DANCE SOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I GOT MY COMPETITION SCHEDULE!!!!!! Ok now this is CRAZY!!!!!!! It's a HA-UUUUUGE place, so it's on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY!!!!!! MY SOLO IS ON THURSDAY!!!!!! AHHHHH! That means less time, and I have school the next day! Well it's at 5:30 on Thursday. OMG I'm excited, and sad that it's gonna end so fast. :o( I really like this solo! Well it's unfourtunately on take your child to work day, so I'll have to leave that early. But I guess on Wednesday I'll have to skip volleyball and prepare! I'll out all the stuff I need so my mom can bring it to Dad's work, and I'll take a LOOOOOOOONG jacuzzi, to prepare! And yeah all of that stuff. I'm SOOOOOOO NERVOUS! Ok I'll tell you how it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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