Monday, April 13, 2009

Read to find out..........

Well as you know, I love doggies! So I searched up 'dog breeds from A-Z' and I have every single dog breed! (This picture is a Bichon Frise) I'm now typing their names, and getting a picture. So far I'm in the letter H with 124 breeds. I love it! Also, my stupid cpu is screwed up no cd. :o( I can listen to JoBros on Rhapsody though! I've tried, but the cpu is just soooooooo old! ARGH! I found that even though Nick sounds higher pitched, the songs are just as good! GOSH I wished they sold it in regular stores! That's not all! We finished my dance solo last week, yay! I'm gonna practice EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS!!!!! We have competition on April 24, 25, and the 26th. It's exciting! I can't talk in front of large crowds, or small crowds really, but I can dance fine! I'll let everyone know how I did! It's really awesome. Well, it's muddy and rainy. Ugh its APRIL! And my partay is gonna be fun! We're buying silly string. OOOOOOOH YEAH! Silly string fights! Ok I'm off to read New Moon now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey that Bichon Frise is my mom's favorite dog. She said that's the only dog we will get if we get a dog
