Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Music! From the Refrigerator..."

When I get home from school, I'm always hungry. So, I obviously look in the refrigerator for food. Well, one day I walk over to the refrigerator, that's normal. When I opened it to get my pudding cup, I heard music. What music, you ask? My music. The music I have on my iPod. Well I opened the refrigerator door, and...BAM! Jonas Brothers blasted through the house! Not that I didn't love it, I just wasn't expecting it. Ok! So I close the refrigerator really fast, and screamed! It happened everytime I opened the door! Nobody was home, so it couldn't be a joke...right? No, no way! It still worked like a regular fridge, it just played music. Good music too! First it was "Take a Breath." Then when I wanted water it was "Burning Up." Now that's weird! Ironic isn't it??? The refrigerator practiaclly told me to take a breath when I freaked out! And it could tell when I got hot! That's when it got really weird. It started to play, "Got Me Going Crazy!" But the twist on that one was... that it wouldn't turn off! Suddenly, I heard the garage door open. "Good!" I said outloud, to myself. I would tell mom about the freak fridge, and we would call the repair guys. But no. Well, to get her attention, I yelled, "MOM! MOM! COME HERE! THE FRIDGE IS MESSED UP!" That got her attention! She came running and said, "What? How does a new refrigerator break???" I showed her the fridge. But when I opened it, nothing happened! She said, "Honey, the light is supposed to turn on when you open it." Steaming mad I said, "No! It was playing JoBros! I swear!" Suddenly, I heard the pitter-patter of footsteps run upstairs and a giggle. "When did Sierra get home?" Sierra is my sister...just to let you know! "She's has been home....." replied mom. "WHAT!" I instantly ran upstairs and practically broke down Sierra's door. The radio was unplugged. My CDs were gone. It was her! That brat!

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