Tuesday, April 28, 2009

47 posts!!!! (Well...48 now.)

OK! This dog is a Japenese Chin. My dad had one when he was in Japan when he was a kid...anyway! I've posted 47 posts, and 48 including this one. HMMMM...I wonder if that's weird to always be posting....or if its ok. I don't really know! Well today in advisory we played outside. woohoo. And I walked the dogs. They have nasty flies on them in the summer though! Like, the flies are all on their ears and then their ears get all bloody and nasty. So today I gave them meds. Just to let you know! I also picked out the picture to put on my birthday cake!!!! It's hottttt. I'll post a picture of the cake on Saturday. Well, we bought everything. Only 2 people can't come...that's a record! WAHOO! Ok. That's all. Gotta dance.

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