Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Little Bit Longer

Hi everyone! Today is only a Thursday and no school tomorrow! And we have Monday off too! Everyone's excited. Today was like pre-Valentines Day since it's on a Saturday this year. My friend Daeshanda got me an awesome little heart filled chocolate thingy and a cute card! I got LOTS AND LOTS of candy from other people too. Once again with this stupid weather! This morning it was 29 degrees and now it's like 50! Still too windy to walk the dogs though. I will be doing that over the four day weekend! Well, tonight is not my favorite dance night. I have to go from 5-8:15! UGH! 5-5:30 is street tap, 5:30-6 I have a break, at 6- 6:30 it's musical theater, then I have a fifteen minute break, and 6:45-8:15 is technique. Technique is horrible! First we stretch for thirty minutes. Then we either do boring ballet bar work, or turns and leaps and stuff across the floor. Then we do improv dances, then abs for the last fifteen minutes. It is a workout though! That's all! :o)

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