Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dance, dance, dance and more.......DANCE

Hi everyone! Well did anybody watch the new Monk or Physch lastnight? Apperently Monk is ending. Only 16 episodes left. I guess it's okay though, because it is getting pretty boring. But Physch was AMAZING! I hope it's not ending. Well anyway, today I will be doing a lot of dance. Usually it's for the whole weekend, so like 24 hours of dancing. But however this time, it's only 7 hours all in one day. Some professional dancer Ellen, is coming to town. She's awesome! We'll be learning a whole new dance for recital, and she'll be judging the dances we're taking to competition. I'm gonna be extrememly tired when I get home tonight. It starts at 11 and ends at 6, but we have to leave around 9:30. I can't sleep because I'm soooo excited, but I think I need to! Ok tomorrow if I'm not completely dead I'll tell you how it went..........

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