Saturday, February 28, 2009


OMJ! (OH MY JONAS!) Ok this movie was totally awesome! They didn't But it was really good! We went two hours early, and we waited in a line. And then we went in and were just SOOOOOOOOO excited!!! Then it started. It had Big Rob, (their security guard) and we all screamed. Then as it introduced them individually, we screamed. It was like we were really there! I screamed when they did backflips, sang songs, and then....(drum roll please) JOE TOOK HIS SHIRT OFF! It was AWESOME! I screamed when he was in a tank top...then topless. lol I'm sorry but it was just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were soooo excited! Then today I bought the soundtrack. Ahhhhhh love my Jonas Brothers.

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