Saturday, February 28, 2009


OMJ! (OH MY JONAS!) Ok this movie was totally awesome! They didn't But it was really good! We went two hours early, and we waited in a line. And then we went in and were just SOOOOOOOOO excited!!! Then it started. It had Big Rob, (their security guard) and we all screamed. Then as it introduced them individually, we screamed. It was like we were really there! I screamed when they did backflips, sang songs, and then....(drum roll please) JOE TOOK HIS SHIRT OFF! It was AWESOME! I screamed when he was in a tank top...then topless. lol I'm sorry but it was just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were soooo excited! Then today I bought the soundtrack. Ahhhhhh love my Jonas Brothers.

Friday, February 27, 2009



Thursday, February 26, 2009

TOMORROW............IS................THE DAY.

1 more day I can hardly wait! I wish I could go tonight at midnight...but no. I have to go to school. BLEAH! Well.....if they 'invade' our theater, I swear I'll pee my pants! I'm just sooooo excited. It's gonna be the best movie in the world. And it's only in theaters for a week. Now that's a good way to get people to see it lol. K tomorrow I will be freaking out right now! We leave at 6, it starts at 8. It's over at like 10. Then Dijonay is sleeping over. I'll tell ya how it is!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nothing much...just excited.

HI! Well obviously nothing much is going I walked the dogs and it's very nice outside! Well I'm also SUPER excited for Friday! Since me and Dijonay are going to the Jonas movie. And I emailed the Jonas Brothers...I doubt they'll write back And in the email it said they'll be dropping in to random movie theaters, and who knows, they could actually come to KC! I really don't know, but we're wearing our shirts and taking our cameras! That's it. (AHHHHHHHHHHHH ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT!)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dance costume!

Hey guys! Ok well tonight I went to dance, and got my solo costume. It's EXTREMELY cute! I don't think I've said what my solo is. It's jazz, very entergetic. And it's to "Got Me Going Crazy" by my favorite band, the Jonas Brothers. It is amazing! Well the shirt is super cute, and I'm gonna keep it forever! Let me know if you all think it's cute!

OMG me and Dijonay have BIG news! We went on the Jonas Brothers' myspace page, and they gave out their phone number! We are extremely excited! We called it once, and it really was them. So on Friday, we're gonna leave them a message. I'll tell you all how that goes!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

High School Musical 3

HEY! The dance thing went good and we got costumes. Tomorrow I get my solo costume! :o) I'm excited! And lastnight we got HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL 3! It's an amazing movie! Better than the first two. And I LOVE all the songs! They rock! Ok bye! (5 DAYS TILL JONAS MOVIE!)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dance, dance, dance and more.......DANCE

Hi everyone! Well did anybody watch the new Monk or Physch lastnight? Apperently Monk is ending. Only 16 episodes left. I guess it's okay though, because it is getting pretty boring. But Physch was AMAZING! I hope it's not ending. Well anyway, today I will be doing a lot of dance. Usually it's for the whole weekend, so like 24 hours of dancing. But however this time, it's only 7 hours all in one day. Some professional dancer Ellen, is coming to town. She's awesome! We'll be learning a whole new dance for recital, and she'll be judging the dances we're taking to competition. I'm gonna be extrememly tired when I get home tonight. It starts at 11 and ends at 6, but we have to leave around 9:30. I can't sleep because I'm soooo excited, but I think I need to! Ok tomorrow if I'm not completely dead I'll tell you how it went..........

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hi!!! It's FINALLY Friday! Even though this week I missed three days of school for various reasons, it seems long! Probably because I'm STILL sick and always tired. Well forget that, it's Friday! Ok now you see it is titled polls...even though I'm not talking about polls...I will now. Well every week I have a new poll. Last week it was 'Which is the best pet?' and this week it is 'Which is the best band?' And as some of you may know, I have another blog: for my dogs! I also have polls on there too, about dogs each week. So check it out and vote!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Snow Creek

Hi everyone. Ok I am like UNBELIEVABLY tired! Today, for Renisance, our school went to Snow Creek! We had Monday off, then I missed Tuesday because I was sick. I'm still sick, but I could not miss Snow Creek. Now I feel worse, but it was so fun! We skiied from like 10-4:30. At first, I was like really rusty and fell down just trying to walk! Then, I did some drills and went up a moving rope thing, and fell again! So I rested. And finally my friends convinced me to go on the ski lift. I had done it last year, but only at the last 10 minutes because I was so afraid before. Well I went on, and when we unloaded (UHG I HATE THAT PART THE MOST!) I fell! Of course, I FELL! Well she helped me back up and I went down, and it was like the thrill of a lifetime. Then I went down again and didn't fall. I only fell like two more times. And one time the guy that worked there had to pick me up! I hate falling. Well after that I practicly NEVER fell. Good, I have no bruises! Well I went on with multiple people, and it was sooo much fun! I had hot chocolate and everything. Then we went on the ski lift once more, and apperently it was time to go! EVERYONE knew accept me and a few friends! We went running back and it was a mad dash for the bus! We finally made it. I feel so tired. I'm going in the jaccuzi. Good day. :o)

Sunday, February 15, 2009


BLEAH! Today I am sick! It was stomache aches from all of the chocolate I ate yesterday, so I am trying to cut down on that from now on. And I think it is also from staying up until about 2am with my friend the other night! So now I am starting to get a cold too. My throat is sore, my nose is stopped up, and my stomache hurts. It's horrible! I hope you guys are feeling better than I am...............and I hope I am better before tomorrow because tomorrow is my day off! I'm planning to spend it in the best way that I can before school. That's it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Today I got a little doggie holding a heart in its mouth, heart box full of chocolates, cheesecake kisses, a HUGE kiss that's like one pound, and a cute light up pen. We also bought the dogs special heart shaped cookies. Today is also the anniversary of the day that we got Guitar Hero 3! So we're off to go play that and eat more candy. Hope your Valentine's Day is as good as mine!

Friday, February 13, 2009

S'mores and Smoky!

HOLA! Ok first of all, this is a picture of Bella, a really cute pomeranian. Also, I made a new blog! It's for my two dogs, S'mores and Smoky. It has stories about them that I've written since 2006. It's from each of their point of view how life is going. It's: I've added the first day of their lives with us so far. There will be lots more stories though, so check it out!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Little Bit Longer

Hi everyone! Today is only a Thursday and no school tomorrow! And we have Monday off too! Everyone's excited. Today was like pre-Valentines Day since it's on a Saturday this year. My friend Daeshanda got me an awesome little heart filled chocolate thingy and a cute card! I got LOTS AND LOTS of candy from other people too. Once again with this stupid weather! This morning it was 29 degrees and now it's like 50! Still too windy to walk the dogs though. I will be doing that over the four day weekend! Well, tonight is not my favorite dance night. I have to go from 5-8:15! UGH! 5-5:30 is street tap, 5:30-6 I have a break, at 6- 6:30 it's musical theater, then I have a fifteen minute break, and 6:45-8:15 is technique. Technique is horrible! First we stretch for thirty minutes. Then we either do boring ballet bar work, or turns and leaps and stuff across the floor. Then we do improv dances, then abs for the last fifteen minutes. It is a workout though! That's all! :o)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jonas Brothers

Hey everyone! Again with this stupid weather! It was raining this morning, and now it's all windy. I'm definetly not walking the dogs today! Well, today was good, except I was like really tired and yawned the entire day! Tomorrow is the last day of the week, then no school Friday or Monday! Yay! :o) So, tomorrow I'm going to give all of my friends valentines. Woo hoo! Ok, that's it. Rock on! :o)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's About Time

HELLO PEOPLE!!! Gosh this weather is weird...! This morning it was like really windy and sort of cold. Now it's really warm, and you sweat if you play around too hard! Nothing exciting happening! I'm off to walk the doggies! Rock on! :o)

Monday, February 9, 2009


Heyy everyone! Well, today was a good normal day. Except the weather! It is February 9th and this morning it was sort of cold, then it rained during school, and now it is warm outside and EXTREMELY windy! Ugh I don't get it! Well, the big "talk of the day" is Chris Brown and Rihanna! Chris Brown is in jail for assulting her physically! Who knew HE would go to jail? Well that's about it. And this is a picture of my other dog, Smoky.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Heyy people!!! Well...tonight the Grammys are on, and I have to watch it!
This is a picture of S'mores, one of my dogs. Thats it! Rock on! :o)
Wow the Grammys are good so far! The Jonas Brothers did an of course, AWESOME performance with Stevie Wonder and were nominated best artist of the year. They didn't win, but the performance was still amazing! That's all! Rock on! :o)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dog Day

Hey everyone! This whole blogging experience is so much fun! Well, today we took the dogs to a fountain, and had lots of fun. It was very tiring, and I think they had lots of fun. That's pretty much all for today...Rock on! :o)

Friday, February 6, 2009


Hey people!
I'm so have my first blog! Woo hoo! This will be so much fun!
Rock on!