Friday, May 22, 2009

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOOO today was the last day of school! It was sooo awesome! We did yearbook signing, and, surprise surprise I took a million pictures. Tonight me and Roshonda are going to Worlds of Fun, yay! That will be fun! Ahhhh so excited! School's out!!!!!! I'm gonna play Guitar Hero. OOOH! I got a Scrabble game! The teacher drew names, and yay me I won! I'm gonna play that first! It's Diamond Edition! I'll take a picture soon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Well I finished Breaking Dawn on Friday, I'm so sad that it's over! But whatever. It was realllllllllllllly good. Ok so Sunday we went to a Royals game! I took 301 pictures....hahaha I love my camera! This is Billy Butler, Sierra's favorite player. I don't know why she likes him, she just does. It was cool. My camera zooms up really far, so I got good shots of the balls and batters and pitchers and stuff. I don't know why, but for some reason, the Jonas Brothers concert just seems like it's going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than it would've been when we got the tickets! Ahhhh I'm excited. Me dad and Sierra are gonna have lots of fun!!!! Well...we got Smoky this bar jump thing! It's official. We're gonna train him to jump. woo!

Friday, May 15, 2009

OK well, first things first! Thursday we went to Worlds of Fun with school! It was AWESOME!!! We rode pretty much everything. The bad thing was, my camera broke!! Ahhhhh! Then I lost my retainers! I found them at Mcdonalds later. lol. Well, the camera broke completely! The lense was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far in. Urg. But tonight my dad got the money back from Target, and bought me a new one! Ahhhhh that's lucky.
Today, it's rainy! It was really dark at like 2:00, then it started pouring. My poor dogs. I was going to give them a long walk! Well I hate rain. The power keeps going out! Also, I love the song Poker Face...hahahaha I'm listening to it now. Next week is the last week of school! AHHHH that's exciting! Ohhhh oh oh oh!!!!!!! For Demi Lovato we got the 28th row!!!!!!! For only $40. YAY! Ok. Now the sad part. I finished......Breaking Dawn. :o( I'm super duper sad to see it end! Of course, it was a good ending though. Duh. Well it was really good. There's Midnight Sun, which is Twilight from Edward's perspective, but there's a chance it won't get published because someone put it on the internet without Stephenie Meyer's permission so she's upset. :o( boo! In St. Louis, some lady found the script to New Moon in the trash can! But she gave it back and as a reward, GETS TO GO TO THE RED CARPET PREMIERE! She is lucky. Ok tonight my aunt and uncle are coming over...dangit the song is over. Ok bye!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stray dog :o(

Oh my gosh I feel soooo bad! I was going to walk Smoky, but then my mom told me there was a mean looking dog! It was eating road kill, I'm pretty sure that means its desperate for food and stray. I carried dog treats, and tried to call it, but it seemed very unwilling. So me and Sierra followed it with food, but lost it! :o( I'm not sure what to do when I get close to a stray dog, so I'm gonna look it up on Google and be ready for next time. I'm just not going to walk my dogs, incase it's mean to other dogs. It looked cute and sweet and innocent, just don't wanna take any chances. UGH! Poor dog. It even had a collar. I am sad. If I see it again, I'll let you know, and try to get it this time. Omg.

Well all of that made me think.....stop puppymills!

Monday, May 11, 2009


On my birthday, we went to Worlds of Fun! It was fun. In Breaking Dawn, I'm on chapter like 30 or something... I realllllllllllllllllllllly don't want it to be over! I can't wait to read Midnight Sun though. Robert Pattison was in Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire! And his birthday is May 13, WEDNESDAY! Happy bday Rob!!!! Ok so on Thursday I'm missing dance. I know I know...sorta sad.'s because school is going on a field trip to WOF! AHHHHH now that's exciting! We are all really hyped up about it. I'll hang out with Rawshanda and Daeshanda the whole time. I have new pictures, and I'm hoping to upload them soon...when it works. That's it for now. I'm a Twilight loverr. Bye

Monday, May 4, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Soo I started Breaking Dawn lastnight, and I'm on chapter 4! It's sooooo good even just the beginning. I think I'll be really disapointed when I'm done though! I love Edward and Bella! Ok, so this is a picture of our Lilac bush that's in our yard. It started blooming like last week, and it looks really cool! Well tonight I have dance. Solo and pom. Nothing too exciting. Byeeeee:o)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Ok my party was awesome! We made little tote bags, played with the neighborhood dogs, had silly string fights, and slept in my walk-in closet! I got a $15 iTunes giftcard, $43, a dress from Aeropostal and a scrapbook! The black dog is Avery, and the other is a Basset Hound named Hank. Click on the pictures for a larger image.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I got my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night was Sierra's birthday, so they gave her the Oval iPod, and I got my camera! The iPod is soooooo cool! Way too much to explain...I'll do that later! The party is today, in like 10 minutes! Ahhhh gotta type fast! Well the camera is a purple Nikon, and I bought an SD card that holds like 3,000 pictures! Yay! And I've taken pictures of the dogs and put them on here already! Sooo here's pics! Ahhhh I'll post the party tomorrow!