Saturday, March 21, 2009

NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey. Well, spring break was NOT what I thought it would be! My dad surprised my mom and took her to New York. So we stayed with Grandmom. On Monday, we went to danceWe also went to Independence Center and had Panda Express and window shopped. On Tuesday, my aunt came over and we didn't go to dance. Wedenesday, I stayed here while my grandma took my sister to dance, then we ate at Taco Bueno. Thursday, we met my cousins at Chik-fi-la and ate there. We watched them play a while, then I got a milkshake! Which was amazing. Then we danced until 8:30pm, and had Subway. I ate my footlong before they finished their 6 inches! And yesterday, we hung out and then went to Perkins. I ate chicken tenders with chicken noodle soup, and we had french silk pie, which was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! And today my parents came back. I got: pins, which I collect, two were of the Statue of Liberty, three were from M&M World, two said I HEART NY, and one was from Ellis Park. I also got a pen, a nice bag with I HEART NY all over it, a shirt for my build-a-bear that says NEW YORK, two t-shirts, and pj pants that say I HEART NY. There were a lot of Jonas pictures everywhere they said. And they bought me a HUGE picture of Nick Jonas off the street! It's niceeeeeeee. I will show you a picture once the camera starts working again.... They also were on Good Morning America. (my parents, not the JoBros.) They were standing by the weather man, and my dad was waving. And they watched the Regis and Kelly with Gavin Degraw, whoever that is. On their way to Regis and Kelly, they saw Regis! They took good pictures of him and said hi. They saw the outside of the wax museum, but didn't go in. They had wax figures of the Jonas Brothers and other famous people. I'm pretty sure that's all the excitement for now. Except on Saturday I have my first dance competition of the year. I'm excited.

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