Monday, March 30, 2009

Dance outfits

For those of you who don't know, the awards go: bronze-silver-gold-platinum.
The first one is pom, which we got silver for.
The second one is tap, which we got silver!
The third one is modern, which we got gold for.
The last one is Mama Mia production, which we got gold for.

Spring, and competition.

Ok, so you're probably wondering who the old guy is....incase you didn't's Regis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the show Regis and Kelly! This is NOT from the internet. My parents met him when they went to New York! So this is one picture they took of him. Well it's offically spring...finally! Yesterday was dance competition! I will soon be posting pictures of my cute outfits. (One is not so forget that one.) We got silver for pom! And yesterday we had modern, Mama Mia, and tap. I'll find out by Friday what awards we got for all of those. I'll let you know! Tonight I have my solo and pom practice. WOOOOOOOOO I LOVE TO DANCE! I'm off to go walk the doggies. This is their first walk in about a week. Poor boys! Laterrrr

Saturday, March 28, 2009

KCAs TONIGHT! (and more!)

Hey people! Well first of all, this is the picture of Nick Jonas my parents bought for me in NY. It's big. SECOND OF ALL....(drum roll please) WE GOT JONAS TICKETS!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well they were supposed to go on sale today, Saturday March 28. But on Friday Dijonay's mom and the nice teachers at school listened to 98.1 KUDL and tried to win us tickets. We didn't win any, but there was a presale yesterday! We got 12th row! 12 rows away from the Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For only $102! 102! Well actually $89...but ya know. Tax. so $102. We could've gotten 9th row, but my dad wanted to 'make sure' the floor wasn't available. It wasn't. But whatever I'm happy with 12th row! So on July 29, 2009 Dijonay and I will leave like 4 hours early and stuff. Can't wait. And since we have their phone number, they leave me messages saying stuff about what they're doing.....and I just got 1. YAY! Well tonight is the Kid's Choice Awards, and they're performing.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey. Well, spring break was NOT what I thought it would be! My dad surprised my mom and took her to New York. So we stayed with Grandmom. On Monday, we went to danceWe also went to Independence Center and had Panda Express and window shopped. On Tuesday, my aunt came over and we didn't go to dance. Wedenesday, I stayed here while my grandma took my sister to dance, then we ate at Taco Bueno. Thursday, we met my cousins at Chik-fi-la and ate there. We watched them play a while, then I got a milkshake! Which was amazing. Then we danced until 8:30pm, and had Subway. I ate my footlong before they finished their 6 inches! And yesterday, we hung out and then went to Perkins. I ate chicken tenders with chicken noodle soup, and we had french silk pie, which was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! And today my parents came back. I got: pins, which I collect, two were of the Statue of Liberty, three were from M&M World, two said I HEART NY, and one was from Ellis Park. I also got a pen, a nice bag with I HEART NY all over it, a shirt for my build-a-bear that says NEW YORK, two t-shirts, and pj pants that say I HEART NY. There were a lot of Jonas pictures everywhere they said. And they bought me a HUGE picture of Nick Jonas off the street! It's niceeeeeeee. I will show you a picture once the camera starts working again.... They also were on Good Morning America. (my parents, not the JoBros.) They were standing by the weather man, and my dad was waving. And they watched the Regis and Kelly with Gavin Degraw, whoever that is. On their way to Regis and Kelly, they saw Regis! They took good pictures of him and said hi. They saw the outside of the wax museum, but didn't go in. They had wax figures of the Jonas Brothers and other famous people. I'm pretty sure that's all the excitement for now. Except on Saturday I have my first dance competition of the year. I'm excited.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break!!!!!!!!!

Yay today is spring break! We got out of school early.........yayyyyyy!!!!!! I'm going to Kearny to my Aunt and Uncle's tanning salon....that's it. I hope you all have a good spring break!!!!!!

(Don't mind the's random...)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tickets! For the Jonas Brothers!!!!!! Go on sale (for real) March 28. But there's stupid people called ticket brokers! We went to a website and the tickets were like 700 bucks! I just re-checked and they're gone, and some went up to $2000! And to think...we almost bought them! Well we'll be buying them on March 28 at the Sprint Center. I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly hope they're not all gone from those idiots who are over-pricing them! Soooo...the real website is GO NOWHERE ELSE!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

JULY 29, 2009

YAY! THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE COMING ON WEDNESDAY JULY 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dijonay and I are buying tickets the DAY they come out! We're happpppppppppppy! YAY! K BYE

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ok well first of all, me and Dijonay made these AWESOME shirts! The back is the Mrs. Jonas, the I Have OJBD is the front. They are the coolest shirts in the whole world, you all know it. Well, we wore them to school and yeah ppl liked them! It's fun to make shirts!!!!! Ahhhh...Nick, Kevin, and Joe. Well Wednesday is a VERY SPECIAL day! It's tomorrow and the Jonas Brothers are announcing their tour list! YESSSS! FINALLY! IT'S ABOUT TIME! Well I hope they come.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I didn't get my retainer! :o( It didn't fit! UHG! WHATEVER! Well on Wednesday, I had my first volleball practice of the season. It was good, and at least our team is good this time. Last season we had a few not-so-good players. I'm reallllllllllly sore though! That's it. It's nice weather! Tonight I'm going over to Daeshanda's house to play Wii Fit. Well, I'm off to walk the dogs!


Monday, March 2, 2009


Well............tomorrow I'm getting my retainer! Part uhg, part yay! Cause it's gonna be pink marble with black zebra stripes. It's gonna hurt, but at least it will look cool!
Hmmmm...on Friday I'm going to Daeshanda's house! YAY!!!!!!! We're gonna play Wii Fit allllllllll night long! Woo hoo! I'll let ya know how that goes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hiiiiiiiii! Well these are the 3D glasses from the best movie in the world! It was really good. I'm still physced! I realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly reallllllllllllllllllllllly really hope I get to meet the Jonas Brothers one day. Well that's it for now. BYEEEEE:o)